Thursday, May 30, 2024


Ahh now I know. USA diay ang base sa Association for Asian Studies. Coz I'm receiving so many emails from them. Human n ko atong sa Univ of Notre Dame in Indiana, NYCAS, MARAAS. Ang latest is SWCAS lagis Texas, USA ig November daw pohon. Digital technology ang theme. Sus kadaghan b diay ana nila Lord. Adto n lng kos asa ko malipay ug matawhay Lord. I pray for the best. Amen. Happy Aloha Friday to us all! University Week n namo next week lagi pohon. Opening Ceremony daw sa Star Arena on Monday. Tua pud Bench Yell Competition. In the afternoon ang table tennis singles matches from 1 to 6 pm. Then Tuesday whole day pud ang mixed doubles. At least human n ahong duty that time. Sa Wednesday June 5 pohon among pictorial for the new ID (corporate attire daw) then prepare n ko for my Bangkok trip pohon sa June 8 Saturday. Omg, return to BKK after 15 years lagi. Aloha Doki, hope tua n ahong credit card Lord para naa koy backup lagi. Amen.

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