Sunday, June 23, 2024


Y'day I got so excited upon receiving Mario's email. He said Belgium is his second home diay kuno and he has contacts in TU Delft. So I emailed Dr Nelson B. Mota to ask if we could possibly include him in our future projects. Wow, it is a small world indeed. Mao n jud ni akong gustong buhaton lagi Lord. Bhala ug wala p koy PhD. But I could be working on it pohon. Anyway, I saw the post shared by Sandra Nijhof about this group Acorn looking for scientific body committee members. Agroforestry ang topic. E di nag email n po ako to sign up. Hahaha, echoserang frog gud si Doki lagi. Lahat sasalihan, walang uurungan. Go go go and happy Monday to us all!

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