Tuesday, June 4, 2024

CAPRI, www.caprifoundation.org

I saw their vacancies on the email so niapply n ko lagi. I want to move away from the academe n Lord. Coz the past 30 yrs puros academic ra ko lagi. Basin time n pud lagi nga I move to NGO or a thinktank. Tua may ICSC lagi, basin diay madawat ko ato. CAPRI is Center for Asia Pacific Resilience and Innovation. They are based in Taipei ra man lagi. Okay ra kaju kay same timezone ras Pilipinas. Or I can move back to Bohol n siguro pohon after my USA plan later this year. Liana told me that the beach would be nice daw in September pohon. Mahal man lagi oi moattend ug conference. But depende kung unsay gawas atong NYCAS, I will decide. Buffalo is further upstate p daw lagi; near the border n with Canada. But she wants to welcome me to her place near the beach. Let's see n lng lagi Liana. Coz mahal pud ang ticket to NYC lagi. Go go go

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