Saturday, November 10, 2018

Classical Social Theories

Yday, 11/10/18 we had a class in Classical Social Theories for Dr Rivera's class. 4 book reviews mn ija gipangajo. Thankfully I was able to submit all four buyag. Bisan ug char2 n to aho gibuhat basta I went thru all the readings. Sya na bahala mogrado ato. I did a presentation also on the Protestant Ethic which was different from what the others were doing, Durkheim and Marx so I am also happy to have done something unique. It means I don't just conform to the group. I did my best pud to go thru the Max Weber book. Thankfully it was quite accessible though it had a lot of Latin phrases in it. Jia you Doki, gamay n lng jud kuwang bujag. Incidentally 3 ra mi nipass yday -- si Sir Justin who recycled his Manifesto presentation from Dr Indab's class, Sir Renante who made the class laugh on his antics about his 'capitalist' wife, and me. I told Sir Rivera I tried with those book reviews. So that di ko nija tagaan gamay grado b. Amen.

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