Friday, May 7, 2021

Did He or Didn't He?

Did he really have an affection for me or did he just need someone to talk to during the lockdown? Why is he ignoring me these days, giving me the silent treatment? Lisura Lord oi. I know ako siya giyawyawan, nalain jud cguro siya ato but why man di siya mosulti? He actually read all my messages to him on Messenger but la lang jud siya moreply. I told him that it is all his prerogative of course. Mostorya ra cguro to siya sa tamang panahon. But Mam Maricel said dapat ang mga babaye kuno ang magpakipot ug dili ang boys. Hahha. Cge lang, maabot ra to akong card niya phn. Wa mn cguro kajuy traffic rong panahona so basin diay by next week madawat n to niya. Ang pangutana lagi, will he tell me that he's received it? Hahay. Keep praying n lng Heide. PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) gud. By the way, the movie "Sleepless in Seattle" came to my mind at early dawn today. Twas all about taking a chance di b? But twas not the adult who took the chance but the 8 yr old. Cguro ing ana ang mga tiguwang n. Mahadlok n motake the chance. Mao n ni ang 'courage to cross oceans for and leave loved ones behind'. I can only say that it better be worth it. Kana lng jud Lord. Amen.

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